Again I was absolutely delighted with my tutor's response to this assignment. I presented 8 images and he was more than complimentary about 6 of them. The second he felt that I could reduce the colour temperature slightly and increase the white slider a touch to give more sparkle to the sea spray. This I have done as shown below and also printed out. The sixth image was the only one not well received also he stresses that the comment is subjective. It was felt that it has too much cyan (perhaps a colour cast caused by using an ND filter to achieve a long exposure) and the long exposure, combined with too much cyan has produced a surreal effect that does not fit with the rest of the submission. I have adjusted the image as suggested and reproduce it here and have also reprinted it. Several of my alternative images were suggested as replacements and I have selected the one illustrated here.
In this image I have reduced the clour temperature a touch as suggested and also increased the whites to give some sparkle to the spray. |
Here I have adjusted the white balance to auto as suggested. I am not all sure about this and think I prefer my version. Auto WB gives a colour temperature of 5100k whereas my original version I set a colour temperature of 4856k. As it came out of the camera it was 4750k and definitely much more blue. At the end of the day I shall replace this with the image below. |
This shot of Pollenca Bay in Mallorca was taken at dawn just before the sun rose
above the horizon. The sky is suffused with orange and this is perfectly
reflected in the waters of the bay. The masts of the yachts are also
reflected. The image embodies feelings of peace and calm. I also love the relationship of the complimentary colours of orange and blue particularly in the print. |
I may now change the order of the sequence of images and include the sunset at the end.
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