Once again I have been delighted with my tutor's comments. Overall, the assignment was very well received and the comments made were thought provoking and useful. Suggestions were also given for research and again these were welcomed. I have adjusted my work in accordance with suggestions. Some images required no further work, some I have adjusted slightly in accordance with the comments and one or two shots I have substituted for suggested images from my shortlist.
I detail my responses below.

This was the second image from the series. My tutor felt that I had over-darkened the sky. As he thought, I had used the ND grad in lightroom to do this and have adjusted it slightly.

My third image featured one of the old fishing cobbles at the top of the slipway at North Landing. It was felt that the boat dominated the image somewhat, particularly within the context of the assignment. The suggestion was to move back a little in order to show more of the environment. I did not take quite the same shot from further back but at dawn the following morning I captured this image of North Landing and, although I have not placed a cobble in the same position they do feature in the image and the I have captured the whole of this small bay.

I have replaced image 5 for this suggested shot from the cliffs looking towards North Landing. I like the way the fence and the cliffs provide perspective. I have again used an ND grad in lightroom but have reduced its effect.

Image 6 was the weakest of my submission and so I have replaced it with this one taken from the very point of the bay of North Landing. This was a very close contender for the actual submission (it only didn't get in as my wife didn't like it). I carefully positioned the weathered spar from a wreck so that it points towards the cliffs and caves on the other side of the bay. The green of the grass, blue sky and purple seaweeds create harmony through being similar colours.

Image 7 was well received but it was felt that a sliver of sky at the top of the picture was a distraction. Here I have removed it.

This arch formed the subject of image 8. It was felt that although the tones had been well controlled the composition was static. This arch is a huge feature of North Landing so I have substituted a different shot but from the landward rather than seaward side. I think that there is a more interesting view throught the arch and the figure gives scale without, hopefully, being a distraction. I have place a seaweed covered boulder in the foreground to provide perspective. A small aperture has been used to give good depth of field and keep everything sharp. A tripod was used to reduce camera shake.

Again the fishing cobble in image 10 was thought to be too dominant in the frame so I have replaced it with this wider shot
Although the gannet shot in image 11 was well received, it was felt that it was too much of a wildlife shot. I shall replace with one of these two suggested images of gannets flying through heavy surf at the mouth of North Landing. Hopefully this gives more of a feel for the atmosphere of the place.
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