Again, I was delighted to receive my tutor's comments and guidance on my final portfolio. It was felt that the complete portfolio has some very good images and all were technically successful and the majority artistically so too. It was felt that Autumn 2 and 3 were the weaker images and could be replaced by one or both of Irby 1 and 2 illustrated below:
Irby 1 |
Irby 2 |
Irby 2 I am pleased with these images, and although they fit my theme of 'Intimate Landscapes', they perhaps include more of the distance than I would like. Consequently I have also printed the close-up intimate landscape of an Autumn oak wood as another possible replacement.
Autumn Oak Wood |
Although I have printed three replacement images, but only need two, if pushed I would opt for Irby 1 and Autumn Oaks as the two Irby images and taken from a very similar view point and I feel that Irby 1 more fits my theme.
Of the summer images it was felt that image 3 of old fashioned cornflower weeds was rather confusing and my alternative impressionistic shot would be better suited so I have printed it as a replacement.
My tutor's main concern was that the Spring and Summer images were all of wild flowers and somewhat similar. I take his point but feel moved to stick with them as they fit in with my theme of 'Intimate Landscapes' in the style of Eliot Porter. However I have printed off possible replacement images; one for Spring and one for Summer which I still feel fit in with my theme. I include them below:
Messingham Sand Quarry. I took this shot in the early Spring of 2012 with this portfolio in mind. |
I actually took this image at the beginning of September this year but have decided to include it as a possible replacement as I framed the image to focus on the 'Intimate Landscape' of bales and to exclude the distant landscape and sky. |